Conference  Registration

Registration Rates

    • Professional Full Conference: $250

    • Graduate Full Conference $160

    • Thursday Only: $160

    • Child (Ages 5-12): $160

    • Professional Full Conference: $270

    • Graduate Full Conference $175

    • Thursday Only: $175

    • Child (Ages 5-12): $175

    • Professional Full Conference: $290

    • Graduate Full Conference $190

    • Thursday Only: $190

    • Child (Ages 5-12): $190

General Information


Our refund policy is based on making sound fiscal decisions relating to fixed guarantees and costs to the conference for attendees relating to meals and accommodations. All refund requests must be made in writing (e–mail by 5pm on October 21, 2024.  Due to meal guarantee policies, no refunds will be given for cancellations made after 5pm, October 21, 2024. Refund requests made by 5pm October 24, 2024, or before will be for the registration amount less a $20 processing fee. Institutions may send a one–for–one replacement for the conference by emailing Registration prior to November 1st, 2024 notifying us of the registration change. 

Registration Policies

Registration fees are non-refundable after 5pm October 21, 2024.

Refunds will not be granted for no-shows. You are considered a no-show if you have not notified VSSC of your cancellation by the time onsite check-in opens at the event. assume Attendees assume responsibility for notification and verification of receipt by VSSC. By registering for this event, you acknowledge agreement to the policy stated above as well as consent to VSSC use of photos taken during the event.

Scholarship Information

Application Deadline 5pm, October 10, 2024

VSSC will offer an Annual Conference Fee and Lodging Scholarship to up to 3 attendees.  Recipient selection is the responsibility of VSSC Planning Committee. Those selected will represent equally the three sponsoring organizations and recipients will represent both public and private institutions.

Eligibility shall be limited to: 

  • New or renewing professionals (first through third years), or 

  • Interns and graduate students 

  • Must apply by the prescribed deadline.

  • Applications must include: a current resume.